Microwave oven safety guide: Focus on the heat resistance of polypropylene (PP) and PVC, PET blister tableware

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Microwave oven safety guide: Focus on the heat resistance of polypropylene (PP) and PVC, PET blister tableware

By admin / Date Sep 12,2024

In modern families, microwave ovens have become an indispensable kitchen appliance, bringing great convenience to fast-paced life. However, while enjoying the convenience brought by microwave ovens, it is equally important to choose the right tableware material to ensure the safety of food heating and the durability of tableware. This article will focus on blister tableware made of polypropylene (PP), explore its safe use in microwave ovens, and compare and analyze the applicability of PVC and PET tableware.

Polypropylene (PP) tableware: a safe choice in microwave ovens
As a widely used food-grade plastic, polypropylene (PP) occupies an important position in the manufacture of blister tableware with its good heat resistance, chemical stability and easy processing. PP blister tableware can usually be used safely in microwave ovens, and its heat resistance temperature is generally higher than 100°C, which is much higher than the temperature range of microwave ovens when heating food on a daily basis. This means that under normal use, PP tableware can remain stable and is not easy to deform or release harmful substances, thereby ensuring the safety of food and the durability of tableware.

However, it is worth noting that although PP tableware has excellent heat resistance, it is still necessary to avoid exceeding its heat resistance temperature and time limit during use. Long-term high-temperature heating or rapid temperature changes may cause tableware to age, deform or even crack, which will affect the use effect and safety. Therefore, it is recommended that users follow the instructions for use of the microwave oven when using PP tableware to heat food and reasonably control the heating time and temperature.

PVC and PET tableware: materials to be used with caution in microwave ovens
In contrast, blister tableware made of PVC (polyvinyl chloride) and PET (polyethylene terephthalate) materials should be used with caution in microwave ovens. PVC is easy to decompose and release harmful substances such as hydrogen chloride at high temperatures, which are not only harmful to human health, but may also cause damage to microwave ovens. Therefore, PVC tableware should be avoided in microwave ovens.

Although blister tableware made of PET has a certain degree of heat resistance, its heat resistance temperature is relatively low, generally not exceeding 80°C. In the high temperature environment of a microwave oven, PET tableware may deform, melt or even produce harmful substances. Therefore, it is also not recommended to use PET tableware for microwave heating.

Blister tableware made of polypropylene (PP) is a safe choice in microwave ovens. Its excellent heat resistance and chemical stability can ensure the safety of food heating and the durability of tableware. However, tableware made of PVC and PET materials should be used with caution or avoided in microwave ovens due to their instability at high temperatures. When choosing and using tableware, consumers should read the product instructions carefully and follow relevant safety guidelines to ensure their own health and safety. At the same time, with the improvement of environmental awareness and the continuous advancement of technology, more safe and environmentally friendly tableware materials will emerge in the future, providing consumers with more choices.