Exploring biodegradable plastics: reducing the environmental burden of plastic rectangular lunch boxes

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Exploring biodegradable plastics: reducing the environmental burden of plastic rectangular lunch boxes

By admin / Date May 16,2024
In the fast-paced modern life, plastic rectangular lunch boxes are popular because of their lightness, durability and cost-effectiveness. However, behind this convenience lies environmental issues that cannot be ignored. Traditional plastics degrade very slowly in the natural environment, taking hundreds of years or even longer, causing long-term pollution pressure on soil, water and other environments. To address this challenge, scientists and environmentalists are working hard to develop new degradable plastic materials.

Degradability refers to the ability of a material to gradually break down into smaller molecules or harmless substances under specific conditions. Biodegradable plastics have significant environmental advantages over traditional plastics. They can be decomposed quickly under the action of microorganisms and converted into harmless substances such as water and carbon dioxide, thereby reducing environmental pollution.

In the field of research and development of degradable plastics, bio-based plastics such as starch-based plastics and polylactic acid (PLA) have attracted much attention. These materials are made from renewable resources, such as starch, corn stalks, etc., through specific biological or chemical treatments. Not only do they have good degradability, they also have similar physical properties to traditional plastics, such as strength, heat resistance, etc.

Starch-based plastics are popular due to their abundant raw materials and low cost. Through the composite technology of starch and plastic, starch-based plastic lunch boxes with excellent degradable properties can be prepared. Under the action of microorganisms, these lunch boxes can quickly decompose into water and carbon dioxide, returning to the natural cycle.

Polylactic acid (PLA) is a biodegradable plastic made entirely from raw materials extracted from renewable plant resources. It has excellent biocompatibility and absorbability and can be completely decomposed into water and carbon dioxide under the action of microorganisms in nature. The widespread application of PLA plastic lunch boxes will effectively reduce plastic pollution and protect the ecological environment.

Of course, biodegradable plastics are not perfect. They still have some challenges in terms of production cost and performance stability. However, with the continuous advancement of technology and the increase in environmental awareness, we have reason to believe that degradable plastics will be more widely used in the future.

Degradability is an important way to reduce the environmental burden of plastic rectangular lunch boxes. By developing and applying new degradable plastic materials, we can effectively reduce the negative impact of plastic pollution on the environment. At the same time, we should also start from ourselves, reduce the use of disposable plastic products, and jointly protect our beautiful home planet.